Ava Justin
SRPSKI The inexhaustible treasury of Spirit and Over-Wisdom, the archimandrite Dr Justin Popović, the former professor of The Faculty of Theology, was removed from the professorship in 1946 by the atheist regime. He was the ecclesiastic of the Monastery from 1948 to 1979, putting a strong seal of his personal charisma on the monastery life.The exceptional love and understanding of the nuns to their Ava enabled him to be completely devoted to writing. Father Justin graduated from two faculties: The Faculty of Theology and The Faculty of Philosophy. He spoke fluently four languages (Greek, Russian, German and English) and he used eleven dictionaries during translating. Besides his great scholarliness, his ascetic and prayer spirit should specially be emphasized. He officiated at the Holy Liturgy until death, praying to the Dear Christ for the salvation of the whole human kind. Holy Ava Justin from Ćelije was a great theologian, philosopher, orator, anchorite, prayer, dee thinker - the lighthouse of the Spirit which shines as the sun in the dark, a saint who enlightens all God-seeking souls by Christ's Truth. His Holy Grave is located in the Monastery Ćelije and represents the spiritual foundation of a future, even bigger importance of the Monastery which is a justified holder of the epithet ''a pearl in God's hands and a piece of paradise on the earth''. It is the Spiritual capital of Serbian people together with Lelić because of another dignitary, Bishop Nikolaj from Lelić, who is equal to him. Owing to Father Justin, the Monastery has a great reputation in the whole Orthodox world. Ava left the last will to his successors to publish his works and to direct the complete income to the fund ''Saint John Chrysostom'', with the aim to raise a three-altar temple in honour of Saint Sava (centar altar), Saint Justin the Philosopher (south altar), Saint Mary of Egypt (north altar) in the monastery Ćelije, if it would be possible. Ava Justin was born on Annunciation Day in 1894 in Vranje and he moved to paradise settlements on Annunciation Day in1979. Because of that he got the name Blagoje on birth and in his whole life he sermonized the Christ's Gospel by his life, deeds and worlds. His ascetic accomplishments, prayers, evangelist love are completely known to God and he left to the Orthodox people a voluminous, marvellous and God-inspired work of theological, philosophical and God-serving character in 33 volumes as well as 12 volumes of Hagiography of Saints, for the first time prepared in the Serbian language. 14 books in 19 volumes were published within Collected Works. For him, everything he spoke and did was serving and writing or more precisely: the continuation of Chist's Gospel. Sermons of Father Justin, as well as his other works and his complete life work and the accomplishment of his Christ-like and God-holding personality - are the continuation of Chist's Gospel of God-Man. Because of that he once said with envy: ''I don't let anyone obscure my Gospel in Christ!'' In his Sermons, which he delivered in difficult times of the atheist communism, he preached the genuine Chist's Gospel: ''at a good time and a bad time, by scolding, threatening, consoling, with all patience and moral''. He was in our difficult and troubled times a clear and loud preacher and an apostle and an evangelist of Christ the Son of God, the Crucified and Resurrected Saviour of the world and the human kind, The Only Saviour of the whole God's substance in all worlds, as he often liked to say. We devoted this text for Serbian spirituality and culture to the true of God's love with a God-longing heart and God-flaming soul, all-national and all-Orthodox Ava Justin from Ćelije, to his work and life. The article testifies and talks about the greatness of an undoubtedly greatest spiritual giant - a Serbian Messenger Saint Father Justin from Ćelije.
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