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C-BLOCK - TIME IS TICKIN' AWAY /rap-dance/ Štampaj E-mail
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Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Ahaha ahaha
Keep it on, keep it on
Keep your head on
Time is tickin', time is tickin'
Tickin' away

Let's talk about time
Tickin' away every day
So wake on up before it's gone away
Catch the 411 and stay up like the sun
Remind yourself what's done is done
So let yesterday stay with the bygones
Keep your body and soul and your mind on
The right track infact you gotta stay on the real black
Don't turn around and don't look back
We tryin' to take the positive to another level
Red Dogg diggin' deep Mr. P got the shouvel
I'll level with you I played in a foul picture
But now I got my mental sewel up like a stitcher
I used to be a "P" try on to clock "G's" living wild blast
You before you blast me thats the lifestyle
And I could see it on the evening news
It's just another brutha shot
On either stretched doin time

Time is tickin' away
You've gotta - live your life
Day by day
Happy or sad, good or bad
Life is to short
You've gotta - keep your head
Time is tickin' away
You've gotta - live your life
Day by day
Happy or sad, good or bad
Life is to short
You've gotta - keep your head

Keep your head one more time and feel the rythm
I'm tellin' your life is to short you know the feelin'
You want to do more your selfesteem is in the way
You better take a kid and live it day by day
But anyway I'm going for mine I'm still broke it's no joke
They still got me hangin' from the rope's
Take time and still do the right thing
And not the wrong so listen to the word's of the song
Tick Tock your seconds away from the judgement day
So get your mind ready take the Evil's but out way
Bring back we cut no slack we kick fact's
The positive message on this tracks is exact the way we feel it
In the nineteen 90's chillin' with red in the mix your find me - rewind me
And turn back my mind thinkin' about the homies
Is the pen doing time

Time is tickin' away
You've gotta - live your life
Day by day
Happy or sad, good or bad
Life is to short
You've gotta - keep your head
Time is tickin' away
You've gotta - live your life
Day by day
Happy or sad, good or bad
Life is to short
You've gotta - keep your head

Once again
CBK on da track
To wake up your mind
Who know what tomorrow night bring
Violence - destruction - who knows?
'cause time is slippin' away

The world keeps spinning
Around and round
We've gotta keep ourselves
From going down
In a world full of passion,
Pleasure and pain
The pressure's get into my brain

Time is tickin' away
You've gotta - live your life
Day by day
Happy or sad, good or bad
Life is to short
You've gotta - keep your head
Time is tickin' away
You've gotta - live your life
Day by day
Happy or sad, good or bad
Life is to short
You've gotta - keep your head

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